Welcome to C.Mitchell's Path's to Inner Strength
At C.Mitchell's Path's to Inner Strength, we believe in helping you find calm amidst life's storms. Our products are designed to guide you on the pathway to inner strength and peace.
The Big Picture varies from person to person. Typically, it encompasses the collection of events that affect an individual and their companions. Most people multitask these events, prioritizing them in a way that draws enough energy to exhaust them physically and mentally. This often leaves other equally important tasks for another who may have the energy and stamina to contend with them...

The Big Picture
The Big Picture
Acts 2:17 says, it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young man shall see visions and your old shall dream dreams... And likewise in John 3:14, after a debate with an estranged Samaritan woman, that "whom so ever drink the water I give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." cont.

Living Water
Living Water
Emotional expression is a material resource by means of physical acts connected to the accessible emotion, and as such is exposed to similar methods of collection like with minerals, metals or gems and subject to the same methods of transformation. By emotional expression connected to a past experience that a person desires deeply to never experience again, a form of guidance that can guarantee they will never experience such things and offers them a first hand role in reversing that kind of Experience is welcomed and cherished...

When asked about that one or two kids in a family that somehow seem to never listen to the rest of the family’s wishes or their parents, they always get the title of “Bad Seed” or “Black Sheep” of the family. Being one of two siblings in a single-parent household, I’ve worn that label from the age of 7. It became evident that almost every person that interested me in life was somehow labeled just like me...

Black Sheep
Black Sheep
That a sub-household exists containing Sadism, Masochism, Sexuality Deviation, Excessiveness, and Arid Desperation, that are connected to the Growth experiences from the Earliest memories up to the moments of independence, that are linked to every emotional outlet that defines the terms of a Relationship, should not surprise many. Within a household defined by 1960's Societal Restraints, a suppression of Genuine...

What can be the difference between Virtual and Virtuous? This question might have missed many a generation if not for the Modern inventions of Virtual Reality and the technology and tools that stemmed from it. Ask yourself: Would I prefer a Virtual friend or a Virtuous one; a Virtual Home or a Virtuous one? Once you ask these Questions, a large apparent Difference becomes clear. On one hand, you have a simulation of a...

With so many communities linked together in a global community, the desire for a collective living experience with as few problems as possible introduced and enforced a passive lifestyle by the collective desire to live as peaceably as possible, by the citizens of those communities...

I say to myself:
How did I get here, in this dark pit, where only despair and cheap joy can be felt?
My mother was born here and so was my father.
My grandmother was born here and she showed me a rope that she was given to climb out of here. It was given to her by her mother and father. It was said that even their Parents gave it to them, but they aren’t Here anymore and neither are their Great Grandparents or my Grandparents...

Because My Elders Said So!!!
The obvious contrast between virtual and virtuous being too difficult to distinguish at times, the area(s), physically or mentally, of our state of existence can easily be explained in similar terms.
Without a list of obvious and not so obvious human freedoms to choose from, a listing of those freedoms was somehow thrown, to be used as a source of guidance to an apparently undereducated yet highly demanding audience...

As the credo of this country, the United States of America, all people from all nations share their Understanding and Effort to build this nation.
When the life of a human being can be a reminder of strength and everyday endurance to overcome disappointment and failure on a personal level, only to find beauty and enrichment in large variety, what kind of man or woman can return a heartfelt mindset of degradation and humiliation upon the various contributors to a beautiful life.

What can we learn from other races?
What can we learn from other races?
As the credo of this country, the United States of America, all people from all nations share their Understanding and Effort to build this nation.
When the life of a human being can be a reminder of strength and everyday endurance to overcome disappointment and failure on a personal level, only to find beauty and enrichment in large variety, what kind of man or woman can return a heartfelt mindset of degradation and humiliation upon the various contributors to a beautiful life.

Of Human Spirit
Of Human Spirit
To liberate oneself from ethics and natural law, and to lead others unfamiliar with ethics and natural laws, a disconnection from the willpower to educate oneself in the value of natural laws and ethics has to take place.
By the rules of this disconnection, natural laws and ethics one happens to be aware of, are subject to exploitation

Tired and Cranky Syndrome
Tired and Cranky Syndrome
Being controlled by a miserable life is no way to squeeze the best juice out of life. It kills everything good that requires so much energy and talent to get it, while at the same time sucking the value out of putting forth the effort. It's the main reason for giving up, and just resorting to cutting corners to get by...
That is when I'm reminded of the difference between a star and a planet. Stars illuminate a path while planets provide real, sustainable life. While stars have, what can seem to be an inexhaustible power...
“I have found so much peace and clarity through the products at C.Mitchell's Path's to Inner Strength. Highly recommend!”
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Our products offer transformative tools to help you find calm and tranquility in the midst of life's chaos. Start your journey today!

About us
C.Mitchell's Path's to Inner Strength is dedicated to providing high-quality products that promote inner peace and strength. Our mission is to help individuals navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.